Our Team

James Belk

  • CF-L2

  • Burgener Strength Level 1 Weightlifting

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1

  • The Gymnastics Course (CrossFit Gymnastics)

I started training in CrossFit during 2016 with a workout that was 100% humbling. Ever since then I have been hooked - the community is amazing and the workouts serve as a reminder that there is always something to work towards. I started coaching to spread that love of fitness. I purchased Chair City Fitness (formerly Chair City CrossFit) back in 2020 during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure the gym could continue to thrive and be open to anyone looking to better themselves physically and mentally. I've met some of my best friends through this passion and even my wife, Caroline Belk.

CrossFit helped get my into the best shape of my life and helps me to continue to stay healthy. When I’m not in the gym, I’m working on a new project, or hanging out with my wife and our dogs, Daisy and Presley.

If you’re interested in joining or working one-on-one with a coach, don’t hesitate to reach out! I love helping clients reach their full potential and spend their time enjoying life, while getting moving in a safe way.


Caroline Belk

  • CF-L2

  • Burgener Strength Level 1 Weightlifting

  • CrossFit Kids

  • The Gymnastics Course (CrossFit Gymnastics)

I started CrossFit after moving to N.C. back in 2018. A friend had introduced me to it, but I hadn’t worked up the courage yet to join a gym because I wasn’t “in shape.” I played several sports growing up, but had never found the motivation to just go to the gym to workout and I couldn’t do a single pull-up. Thankfully, the gym took care of all the programming and all I had to do was show up and do whatever it was they told me to that day. Falling in love with fitness was the best thing I have ever done for my health.

It wasn’t long before I wanted to reach others in the same way my first coaches helped me. I love teaching and helping others - there’s nothing better than seeing the joy on their faces as they look and feel better than when they started and accomplish their goals. And you’ll have a whole community behind you along the way! My husband and I strive to make our gym a welcoming community where you can set yourself up for success in and out of the gym.


Trevor Denning

I have been doing CrossFit for 11 years and coaching since 2020. I got into coaching because of my passion for the sport of CrossFit and weightlifting. I enjoy seeing others succeed and meet their goals - whether it be getting a pull-up or snatching their body weight. Any time an athlete PRs or conquers a movement they have struggled with, and knowing I was instrumental in helping them achieve those goals, makes it all worth it. 

Before starting CrossFit I was a 3 sport high school athlete wrestling football and baseball. Also, I played football at Guilford college and enjoy any thing competitive. I spent 2 years concentrating on Olympic lifting and competing in several events and bettering my self as a lifter.

I have two awesome daughters and do CrossFit so that I can keep up with them as they grow into amazing young ladies.


Torrey Trexler

  • CF-L2

I got started in sports playing basketball and running track in high school. I continued weightlifting, aerobic classes, high intensity interval training and more. I discovered CrossFit through a gym friend in Winston-Salem. During my first class, I was impressed with everyone’s fitness level - as I was next to last finishing the WOD.  My competitive side kicked in and I was hooked. 

I have been doing CrossFit for 10 years and coaching for going on 8 years. I love the community and have made so many friends over the years. It's the moments of helping someone get their first muscle up, getting a PR on weight, doing RX during a workout, or doing something new that are why I love coaching. One of my favorite memories is helping a member get his first bar muscle-up. I screamed so loud with excitement! I hope to help you reach your goals, no matter how big or small!


Jackson Weisner

  • CF-L1

I have been doing CrossFit since 2016 - my college internship advisor was opening a gym and invited me to try it. I was instantly hooked! I had been playing soccer since I was a toddler and weightlifting since high school. Some of my favorite memories so far have been watching members get their first pull-up or toes to bar - watching their consistency and effort pay off to finally reach their goals is the best! 

When I’m not in the gym, you can find me on the job at the High Point Police Department, selling real estate, or soaking up family time with my wife and son.